On July 18, the Vadim Sidur Museum Exhibition opens the work of the master-the most complete collection, including bas-reliefs on biblical topics, portraits of contemporaries, monuments, unique works from the series «Combat Arts», engravings and man-made grabs and man-made grabs.
The art of the sculptor-noncomist Vadim Sidur (1924–1986) in Soviet times was considered opposition. His work, extremely expressive and laconic, seemed too unusual, wrong and too tragic. This amazing master received recognition only after death, during the https://rectopen.com/practice-of-medicine/ years of perestroika.
Abroad, the work of Vadim Sidur knows much better. More than 30 of its exhibitions was organized only in the 20th century. Several sculptures on Sidur’s models are installed in Germany — “dead from violence” (cassel), “calling” (Dusseldorf).
In the 1970s, Vadim Sidur creates one of his most famous works-a two-faced portrait of Albert Einstein. If you look on the one hand, in front of the viewer, the joyful face of the Creator on the threshold of the great discovery. If you get around the sculpture, the same face, but shocked by the horror of possible tragic consequences of its discovery. The bust of Albert Einstein really liked American physicists, and they decided to buy it. The Ministry of Culture of the USSR refused: the sculptor was forbidden to send work abroad. Then Sidur took a tricky move: he gave the plaster copy of the bust of Einstein of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and she gave it to the American laboratory. The masterpiece of Vadim Sidur was increased, cast in bronze and placed at the entrance to the US Nuclear Research Center. Subsequently, Albert Einstein, a copy of the bronze bust, was installed at the Max Planck Physical Institute in Munich, the Museum of the city of Bokhum, Bonne, Ulme. The work entered the Golden Fund of World Culture, and its author continued to live and work in obscurity and need.
He was accused of formalism, then of pacifism, but for the artist himself formal innovation was not a goal — he tried only to speak the language of his time, to express his vision of the world, which greatly influenced military experience. For several months at the front (the 18-year-old Sidur was the commander of a machine gun platoon), a severe wound and a string of hospitals-these events and the experiences associated with them determined the fate of the artist. “I was constantly depressed and oppressed by the physical sense of the burden of responsibility to those who died yesterday, dies today and will inevitably die tomorrow,” wrote Vadim Sidur. — realizing myself as an artist, creator, at the same time I feel like an instrument in the hands of a certain highest power, blind, deaf and dumb. I am her eyes, ears, tongue. Only through me can she communicate with the world and express herself «.